
  • Housekeeping

    Before stepping into the realm of social media marketing, the first step is to delve into your current profiles to analyse their setup, layout, and content and supply an outline of suggestions to get your profiles looking and working smooth, with visual brand consistency.

  • Content Creation

    Collation of existing image and graphic assets, and/or creation of graphics, animations and videos for use across Instagram + Facebook stories, Instagram + Facebook newsfeeds, Instagram highlights and social advertising.

  • Social Content Strategy

    Social profile audit + development of in depth strategy proposal for housekeeping components and content population across social platforms (FB + IG) and placements (stories/newsfeeds/highlights).

  • Organic Content Management

    Copywriting + scheduling of organic (non-promoted) social content* for profile population.

    (*supply of weekly/monthly information and image/graphic assets will be required)

  • Social Advertising Strategy

    Development of an in depth strategy document to outline Audiences, and best Optimisations and Budgeting allocation for audiences in relation to any key KPIs (such as audience growth, web traffic, sales). Conducted prior to beginning any advertising, based on your business goals.

  • Social Advertising Management

    Monthly management of advertising campaigns, audiences, budgets, optimisations + ad creative. In terms of any creative (imagery/video), beyond anything created by G Social,  a library of available assets would need to be supplied. Imagery and copywriting are tailored to specific audiences as required.

  • Social Campaign Reporting

    Reporting is a crucial part of any ad campaign as it both allows you to gauge the success of your advertising, as well as highlighting areas you can refine it - such as audiences, budgeting and placement. Your main metric will be determined by your key campaign objective (i.e. Website Clicks, Video Views, Likes etc.) and other key metrics will be discussed and evaluated.

    Reporting can be quoted monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly. Campaign reports are supplied in PDF format and include audience insights + recommendations for ongoing promotions.